Want to learn how to make a stop motion film? 

Want a chance to win $100? 

Stop Motion is an animation technique that uses a sequence of still photos to make it look like objects are moving. Think Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run. At the bottom of this post are some stop motion short films created at the Makerspace.

Space is limited. Register today and reserve your spot. 

Attend three sessions to learn everything you need to create a stop motion short film. You can attend in-person or online.

Note: The program is available to current UTSC students only.

Session One:
February 21 | 11:10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (online)
Story Structure and Storyboarding: An Overview – Learn how to brainstorm for film ideas. We will discuss film themes, story structure and the use of storyboards. 

Session Two:
February 22 | 1:10 – 2 p.m. (online)
Introduction to Stop Motion – Learn how to create stop motion using the Stop Motion Studio app. We will also demonstrate how to use our Hue Animation Studio kit, available to borrow for Makerspace users. You will need to bring your own phone or tablet for the session. 

Session Three:
February 23 | 1:10 – 2 p.m. (online)
Film Editing Using WeVideo – Learn how to put your stop motion film together by editing clips, adding media files and creating titles using WeVideo, a cloud-based video editing platform.

Use the skills learned during the sessions to create your own stop motion short film. Then enter your production (minimum 60 second film) in our Stop Motion Film Festival on March 9. You could win the grand prize of $100! 

The Makerspace has a “Creative Digital Technologies” Co-curricular Record (CCR). You could receive a Co-curricular Record for completing the stop motion program and submitting a film. Ask us for more details.